KLE – Customer-integrated Service Process from Claim to Provision
Introduction to and brief description of the reporting process
Abbreviations and field descriptions
One-time Setup
System Requirements
KLE Setup Payroll Setup
Required fields in the Employee card
Salary type management/Salary type assignment
Special case of 13th/14th Payday Salary type
SUA certificate release
Task queue setup
KLE claim recording via SwissSalary Direct Self-Service Portal
Overview of all KLE cases stories
Reporting a new event
Progress: Process status - Case accepted - Comments
Reporting a new event
Event notification without incapacity for work
Claim reporting via SwissSalary Direct Self-service Portal
KLE case stories in detail
Other story parts in detail
Claim notification UVG as PDF
Claims notification UVG, Sickness & accident card sent via SWS Direct with filing in the dossier
Adding to, changing reported events
Adding to, changing story
Transmission logic
Medical treatment
Transferring daily allowance statement to the Report journal and printing it
Creating report (Accident card/Medical record) - Sending as attachment to the in-surer
Incapacity to work after minor notification
Incapacity to perform duties - Return to work
Sending work incapacity certificate
Employer and insurer dialog
Closure of the event by the company/Process change
Special cases
Return to work
Recurrence with the same employer
Recurrence when the employer changed
Missing incident report - No contract
Multi-employer event
Recording salary raise
Manual additional payments
Changed personal data
Accident report with unassigned body area
Reporting accidents with unassigned body area
Employee’s resignation
Working hours lost
Incapacity to work after minor notification
No incapacity to perform duties notwithstanding initial report
Reduced wage base due to previous accident or illness
Daily allowance refund
Calculation of hourly wages with regular working hours
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Other KLE parts under development
Further KLE developments
Frequently asked questions