SUA certificate release

In the Payroll Setup - Swissdec - Setup - General, a separate certificate (Swissdec company authentication) must be stored for all clients. Before this process is triggered, some facilities (number series, contact details for the delivery of the password, UID-BFS number as well as customer and contract number insurer etc.) must be checked in the Payroll Setup. see also KLE Facilities wage Payroll Setup.


When the certificate is ordered, the information in the company data is also sent. Therefore, the information on the ELM insurance profile must match the company data => search company data, in case of discrepancies, this information must not simply be overwritten! => contact Suva branch and change the data there if necessary.


If all the information is stored correctly, the following must be set up in the Swissdec setup menu:

-        Enter KLE & SUA Distributor URL => Swissdec Setup => Restore KLE default & Restore SUA default

-        Renew certificates => General – Certificates – Process - Update certificates => KLELIVECLIENT is added

-        Get SUA UID certificate (SUA) => Swissdec settings – General – Get SUA UID certificate (SUA) => Password dispatch is triggered, term        1-2 days.

 => new certificate SUAxxxx was provided in Certificates with assigned client name for later entry of the password



After receiving the password, proceed as follows:

Acquire SUA password with hyphen => Swissdec Setup - General Certificates (select password to retrieve certificate on the letter).

Get UID certificate (SUA) again => General

Successful process is confirmed => column Certificates is checked.


The ordering process description is very technical and serves for information purposes only. It describes the processes behind the order.


With the Get UID certificate (SUA) feature, the client to be set up sends a certificate template to Swissdec with our PrivateKey. Swissdec accepts it and records your PrivateKey. The unsigned certificate is then sent back and saved in the certificate table. A password is emailed at the same time. As soon as the password is entered, the certificate template can be signed with Swissdec.

The password must be entered with a hyphen and resent using the Get UID certificate feature.  The certifi-cate is sent back to Swissdec, with the password. Only now does the signed certificate template return. A correct UID PKCS12 certificate is created from it. Only from this point on can the certificate be used for communication with ELM V5.0, KLE and SUA.


The certificate is valid for one year. SwissSalary notifies early enough about its expiration and that it must be renewed. If a new case is reported during this time, it is automatically extended by one year. If a SWS KLE management task queue is set up, it prevents the certificate from expiring.


IMPORTANT: If the passwords are set up in multiple clients, the password must always be stored in the relevant client via the Swissdec settings.