
1.Make sure that all previous-year pay processes have been completely processed and posted. (Please also check that the FIBU/BBA/Project journals are posted!)

2.Call the ‘Close balances’ function.

3.Set the year-end date balance accounts should be closed for.

4.You can select the balances that should be closed in Options. For this purpose, define whether the balances should only be closed if there is a positive balance, a negative balance or they should be always closed. If positive balances are to be reduced to a maximum value, define the limit to be retained. If a balance is not to be closed, do not enter any action for it and leave the positive/negative/always selection field empty.

5.As usual, individual filters can be set in ‘Personnel Master Data’ filter area. It is MANDATORY that you enter a payroll area.

6.Trigger the processing with ‘OK’ and the month-end pay process will be calculated. Please click OK to confirm the message that the payslip processing for U31.12.20XX has been carried out successfully.
The U before the date means month-end and is a fictitious day between December, 31 of the old year and January, 1 of the new year. (The completed notification is, of course, substantially different with respect to the number of wage items, and the number of employees depending on the company and filter criteria)

7.To control and check the closed balances, go to employees' wage items and the Employee card in the ‘Statistics’ tab.

8.This pay process can be canceled as a regular pay process. This provides the opportunity to settle this pay process repeatedly.

9.Since it depends upon a pay process, it must also be definitely posted. (Prior to the posting process, please make sure that all FIBU/BBA project posting journals are empty). NO data will be written into the financial accounting, cost accounting (BBA) or projects during the data posting.