Recruitment/Resignation Date/Comments Maintenance

In the payroll list (Payroll Run Header table), data is continuously stored which must be historized for the preparation of evaluations (year-end payroll, Paycheck, Salary certificate, etc.).


Employment Date/Resignation Date:

Please enter the correct leaving date for each personnel leaving before the payroll run. Only in this way can the maximum limits for ALV, UVG, UVGZ, KTG, income tax, etc. be taken into account when calculating the leaving date. Subsequent entry of the leaving date does not change the previous calculation.

When reentry is entered using Entry at entry date payroll accounting, an additional check is made as to whether a leaving date has been historized. Without this feature, no reentry can be recorded. If, in exceptional cases, the leaving date has not been historized, you can add/correct this manually for the employee in the payroll list.
For employees with several employment periods within the year, the first entry date and the last exit date are shown on the salary statement. This is in accordance with Swissdec guidelines.



If the manually recorded remarks under number 15 are not displayed on the Salary certificate, these were not recorded on the Employee card before the relevant wage run (31.12. or leaving month). The swissdec guidelines stipulate that the data is printed on the salary statement as of December. If the remarks were not inserted at the time of the December salary, they will not be printed on the Salary certificate. Subsequent entries and changes can be made via the employee's payroll list.


Degree of employment for part-time employees:

For employees whose degree of employment in the month of December is not 100%, the printout on the salary certificate is automatic. This is in accordance with swissdec guidelines. Manual additions can be made using the two fields available for comments.

With the SwissSalary Update 5060.000 an adjustment is made here. The predefined text will be printed if the degree of employment in the relevant salary run is greater than 0 % but less than 100 %. Thus, in the future, the text will no longer be displayed if a person has a degree of employment of 0 % stored on the Employee card.