Years Employed |
At the beginning of SwissSalary the employee years of service are once recorded manually (unknown history). The service years can be company specific very differently calculated.
In SwissSalary you can calculate the service years in 2 ways: q Statement Period q Employment Date Period
What is the difference? Using the method of Statement Period, for the examination of the service years the periods from 01.01. -31.12 of the year will be consolidated. There is no recalculation of the actual entry date. With the Employment Date Period method, on the other hand, the calculation will be always based on the first recruitment date, i.e. even if there is a re-recruitment, the first recruitment date will be always taken into account.
The methods used in your company must be clarified at the first start of SwissSalary. A subsequent change will cause a subsequent laborious manual after-corrections.
How will the years of service be increased? During the Post wage process, they will be increased each time in the Date to up to a month and also will be checked whether on the basis of the adjustment in the setup one year of service may be already awarded.
Can the table of service years be completed manually? If you want to add to the service years the actual periods of service, you can easily do this by creating a new record and manually adding the values in columns Date from / Date to.
Can the table of service years be somehow controlled? Yes. You will find the corresponding evaluation under the Year of Service report.