Country Code

The representation of postal address is controlled in the Country Code selection field. By default, CH = ‘blank’ is preconfigured (ZIP Code City, example: 3000 Bern). When a ZIP code (postal code) is entered, the country code is filled in automatically.


The address format used for printed documents can be specified in the Countries/Regions table.

The following fields are included into the format specifications: Postal code, settlement, and canton. This field is used to assign a specific address format to a certain country.



ZIP code + city = 75020 Paris

City + canton + ZIP code = New York, N.Y. 10475


The country code is set for the input or update of a CH ZIP code automatically and will be required mostly for the mandatory transmission of annual wage data via ELM. The country code must be selected manually for international addresses.


If the country code is not filled in automatically while entering a CH ZIP code, please update your ZIP code base.



The Country code is frequently confused with nationality. However, the country code only relates to postal address management and is therefore displayed below the Canton field.