Salary Journal |
Recurring Journal You can mark in individual report journals under Payroll journal that the recorded entries are no longer deleted from the reporting journal after Wage posting. Normally, after this process, the journal is displayed empty again because the data has been transferred to the Wage items table. You can now decide for yourself which journals may be deleted and which may NOT be deleted during wage posting.
Under Setup -> Payroll journal you can mark in the Recurring journal column the journals that should NOT be deleted.
This data is then available again for the next pay process and can be overwritten, deleted or supplemented accordingly.
In addition, you can determine for each wage type which of them used in the recurring report journal should be set back to 0 (number and amount). (Salary types -> Recurring journal – reset)
No. Employee No. transfer When a new line was added in the Report journal, the N° Employe would always be transferred to the new line. Customers requested that this feature can be turned off so that the personnel number is not transferred to the new line.
Therefore, the 'Do not transfer personnel number’ option is NOW built into “Payroll journal settings”. By default, this field is hidden and no box is checked, i.e. nothing changes for the existing customers and the personnel number is still transferred during data input.
Source Type on Modify In the Payroll journal, you can determine origin codes ad their relevant report journals they should be written to. This is particularly necessary when using time recording systems.
Example: If you import transaction data automatically into the report journal, e.g. via Excel import or via EasyRapport, the origin is automatically saved for each wage item, for example, using the EASYRAPPORT, EXCEL or SWS-AUTO origin code (e.g., when automatically calculating overtime according to the working time calendar).
This means that at any time the user can see for each pay item whether it was recorded manually in the report journal or created via an automatic import.
The problem is that even automatically imported values can be modified manually in the report journal. This modification cannot be detected in the origin code. You can decide now for each payroll journal which process should take place in the event of a manual change. To do this, you can display in the payroll journal the hidden value Type of origin upon change.
Options: ‘blank’ = default (as before). The origin code is NOT deleted in the event of a change. delete = (new) The origin code is deleted in the event of a change.
Open Interface A payroll journal must be created for each interface, the respective open interface must now be assigned to the payroll journal to perform import into the Report journal. One payroll journal is required for each interface; they are assigned in the ‘Open interface’ column. The actual data is imported in the Report journal. Select the correct journal name, e.g. TIME and then select -> Interface.
Source code (Import) IF this is enabled, the same wage types that exist in the open interface are imported with individual rows. |