Schritt 4: Basis-Einrichtung in SwissSalary

1.IMPORTANT: Cloud Connector applications are supported starting from NAV 2013 R2.

2.In SwissSalary, search in the search bar and switch to “Cloud Connector Management”, and click “Setup” and then “Basic settings”.

3.On the “Basic settings” page, you can set up connection to one or more connected systems. Click “Management” and then “New” to create a new SETUP. A setup contains credentials or entity settings. You can specify the identifier and a description for the connections in the “Code” and “Description” fields, for example: Code: BC1, descriprion: BC database 1 on-prem

4.The “Copy settings” button allows you to copy the settings already recorded in a setup. This functionality not only enables copying of the settings recorded on the “Basic settings” page, but also the settings recorded on the “Entity setup” page.

5.The fields below must be filled in:

a)Base URL: Specifies the base URL of the connected system’s web service. It should resemble the following: depending on the service type used. It is required to specify a URL using https. Warning: insecure HTTP connection is no longer supported.

b)Web service type (drop-down): Specifies the type of the connected system’s web service. ODataV4 is preferred. It may be set automatically, depending on the base URL you enter.

OData V3 (NAV/BC): OData is an open standard or protocol for providing and updating data over the Internet. V3 is a specific version of this protocol supported by these NAV/BC versions: NAV 2013 R2 and later.

OData V4 (NAV/BC): This OData version is preferred. OData v4 is available starting from NAV 2018.

Business Central API: refers to the default interface between SwissSalary and a Business Central Cloud instance.  

Finance and Operations: refers to the default interface between SwissSalary and a Dynamics 365 Finance instance.

Use proxy: Specifies whether all web service traffic should be routed through a proxy. This can be crucial if the connected service is on a local network (for example, the ERP system is on-premise) and limits the scope of the required IP whitelist.

c)Outgoing proxy address: Specifies the list of possible outgoing IP addresses used by the SwissSalary proxy server. These IP addresses must have permissions to access the specified web service URL (if the connected service or ERP system is on-premise):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

d)Authentication type (drop-down): Specifies the authentication type to be used when connecting to the service. You can enter multiple credentials per authentication type. If you are connecting to a service using OAuth 2.0 authorization, you must provide these details on the OAuth Setup page.

Basic authentication: requires user name and password to access interfaces or web services. It is easy to implement but not particularly secure because credentials are transmitted in an unencrypted form. This authentication method is not supported.

Windows Authentication (NTLM): uses the credentials of the logged Windows user to access Microsoft Business Central. It provides single sign-on and is more secure than Basic authentication.

OAuth 2.0: OAuth uses tokens instead of user passwords and allows users to control access. OAuth is intended to be preferred for authentication.


Use the “Copy settings” button to copy the credentials from an authentication type that has already been entered.

Important: The set-up service user and the OAuth app must have at least BASIC permission set and read, insert, edit or delete permissions for the tables to be synchronized by the Cloud Connector in the connected system.

The “Enable schedule” and “Scheduled time” fields are explained below.