Debugging and error messages    

After manual or automatic Cloud Connector execution, the entities can have the statuses below:

Completed: the entity was synchronized without errors.

Completed with errors: the entity was only partially synchronized without errors, there were errors in some rows.

The InfoBox area shows the number of entities that were synchronized successfully, with errors or with no updating:

Figure 9

Figure 9


After clicking the number on Failed records, the fields below are displayed:

Process: the function is displayed: Insert, Modify or Delete

Status: shows whether the request was successful or failed. 

Record ID: shows the primary keys of the affected records.

Requirement information: shows the type of request (POST; PATCH; DELETE) and the request URL as well as the request body

Details: includes the detailed error message. 


No changes: there were no changes to be synchronized in the connected system or in SwissSalary. 


Failed: due to a fundamental error in SwissSalary, the entities could not be synchronized.