Global Settings

Company data was stored in SwissSalary Direct as part of SwissSalay Direct settings. This company-specific data is displayed here and can be changed if necessary:



Beschreibung / Beispiel


Company name


The subdomain determines the name of the web address used by the employee for registration. It makes sense to use the name of the company as a subdomain.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV license

The current license number is displayed.

Default price plan

Here you can see the version of SwissSalary Direct currently used: Basis, Plus or Advanced. Individual features are described in the relevant chapter.

Access days after resignation

You can define here how long a resigned employee may still access SwissSalary Direct. During this time, the employee is considered registered and will be taken into account for billing purposes

Notifications for not registered employees

If the box is checked, non-registered employees will also receive notification emails about new documents made available in SwissSalary Direct.

Employee email verification

If the box is checked, SwissSalary Direct username is compared with the corresponding employee's email address in SwissSalary. If they do not match, the employee cannot register in SwissSalary.


Note: This conformity check is an additional safety criterion, and can be disabled. It is carried out once during the registration of the employee.


Contact Details

Contact details stored during the provision of access are displayed here. They are used for SwissSalary in the event of any contact. The information can be changed here at any time.