
There are several salary types for paying out actual document expenses. After a while, you realize that you actually only need a single or fewer salary type(s) to pay out these expenses. The other salary types that have already been posted are no longer required.


It is now possible to fully combine salary types into another salary type. Select the salary type that you no longer need. Click Merge; the selected salary type appears in the Salary type origin field. Now enter the new, correct salary type in the Merge field in the salary type and click OK.


Now the salary items from the previous salary type are completely copied into the new salary type; the old salary type is overwritten with the new salary type number in the Salary items table. All remaining data of the salary item, such as text, account assignment, document dates, etc., are retained correctly. This means that you can continue printing all the documents in the future (old payslips, Employee Salary statement, etc.)



This feature is cross-client. This means that if you have combined salary type masters together, salary items of the salary types of the other clients will, of course, also be merged. It is therefore imperative that you always discuss this process with all those responsible for the other clients.