Calculation Employment/Resignation

For example, for recruitments/resignations during the month, monthly salary is automatically converted pro rata temporis, provided this automation has been enabled under Payroll Setup -> tab ‘Setup’ -> ‘Calculation Employment/Resignation’ field.


The formula for the pro rata calculation is defined for each salary type. Previously, the formula with 21.75 days x workdays (target days) was only possible in combination with the working time calendar or, for SwissSalary customers, with the PLUS package only. From now on, the calculation can be used WITHOUT a work calendar and can also be used by SwissSalary Basic customers.



Employee gets recruited at the company on March 16. Actual target days (incl. holidays) from March 16 till March 31 = 12 days.


Calculation formula:

Monthly wage / 21.75 days x 12 days.


At the request of many customers, we have added a calculation type to the automatic recruitment/resignation calculation: 21.75/workdays. However, this calculation is only possible if you work with the Working time calendar module (base calendar).



Employee A resigns from the company on July 20. 100% of the monthly salary is CHF 5'050. According to the working time calendar, they worked for 14 days from July 1 to July 20. The calculation is as follows:


CHF 5,050 / 21.75 x 14 = CHF 3'250.55


Many social insurance companies use the annual average of 21.75 days per month for calculations and it is considered by experts to be the correct calculation method for reductions.