Salary Step

In addition to the wage class, the salary step can be also recorded.


The wage classes A, B, C, Q, V, etc. are known in LMV BAU. There are also so-called zones (regions) RED, BLUE and GREEN.

The corresponding base wage in accordance with appendix 9 LMV BAU will be identified per wage class and zone (wage level).


A base salay matrix is at your disposal in the SwissSalary settings to make this checking automatic.

INFO: The base wage matrix can be created only by employees who have relevant user rights.


The base wage matrix can be found in SwissSalary under Setup -> Base salary. The matrix runs on a time axis, i.e. the recorded amounts are valid from the Date from. The base salary are archived. If you click on an amount and open the column, you can see the details to it. After every change of the amount in the monthly salary or hourly salary in the Employee card, the base salary will be checked. If the amount recorded is less than the base salary, a corresponding message will appear (note only, NO error message = no termination).


Of course, we have developed a special assessment for the review.


In NON-construction area the salary step will be used for each payment level according to the rules of employment. E.g., the L-GAV is also familiar with such minimum salarys.


Assign base wage

Base salary can be assigned automatically (in accordance with the cantonal requirements or corresponding GAV guidelines). To do this, you need to open the ‘Salary class’ and the ‘Salary Step’ in tab ‘Job’ and set the new field ‘Assign base wage’ to ‘automatically’. With this function a possible base wage is immediately assigned to the employee.



The employee is switched from salary class A to salary class B and remains in the salary step A12. SwissSalary checks if a corresponding base salary is recorded in the base salary matrix and immediately increases the value in the ‘Salary amount’ field for the given employee, provided that the ‘Assign base salary’ value for salary class B and salary step A12 was set to ‘automatically’.


Any additional salary component operations or roundings can be carried out manually right in the ‘Salary Amount’ field.


The new base salarys can be imported in the ‘Base salary’ table using an Excel spreadsheet and assigned to the employee with a push of the button.