Salary for Hourly-paid Employees

It is possible for hourly-paid employees to directly compensate the prorated 13th Payday with the wage payment. To do it, select Immediate Payment in the refunding of absences. This way the portion of the 13th Payday will be accounted in the Paycheck.


If you select the option with balance in the refunding of absences, the monthly claim will be deferred like for employees paid monthly. Therefore, the disbursement must be initiated.

The processing can be carried out using the calculation types described above. We recommend that you settle hourly-paid employee either using the pay process for November (beginning of December), as a separate pay process after the pay process for November, or using the pay process for December. Bear in mind that the provisions for January - November are only included at the end of November for hourly-paid employees. The remaining payment of the 13th Payday can only be made with the December pay process and the 13th Payday should always be disbursed with this wage. Calculate the disbursement as described in Calculation and Disbursement with Pay Process for December. This guide can also be used for disbursement using the pay process for November.