Setup in SwissSalary

The settings below should be checked/adjusted in SwissSalary:


Employee card

LPP -> BVG Salary Type -> Option: effective


Payroll Setup

Domain Setup -> BVG Setup -> BVG calculation mode -> Option: current period with minimal wage


Salary types

The sums/wage bases (gross wage, coordinated wage) are merged based on their settings in various wage types (subject to BVG), domain settings and Employee card.

Gross wage = BVG wage (sum of wage types subject to BVG, i.e. actually billed BVG wage total based on the check mark for each wage type in the Subject to BVG field)

Coordinated wage = BVG wage base (sum of BVG wage considering the domain settings)


Time types

If accident and illness reports are submitted via this interface, the corresponding time types must be set up or managed in SwissSalary:

Occupational accident (custom description)

Non-occupational accident (custom description)

Illness (custom description)

Work hours (custom description)