Brief description

With SwissSalary Insights you get the best possible overview of movements in your company. You can evaluate and compare data more easily than ever before. With the web-based solution, you always have an overview, regardless of whether you are at home, on the go or in the office. With the cloud service your current data are displayed simply and clearly. Gain a wide range of insights from your company with just one click.


Current key figures

Your current data is synchronized with SwissSalary Insights from the SwissSalary 365 app and can be displayed independently though a wide variety of reports. You can visualize the desired information simp-ly and clearly using various reports and dashboards provided.


Security and updates

All data is synchronized from the SwissSalary 365 app and is always transmitted in an encrypted form. It is then displayed visually and never passed on to third parties. Our Development Department takes care of the cloud service, backups and regular updates. This means that you will always be up to date. You control access to the data using different user privileges or user groups.