Insights Groups

The Insights user can be restricted by clients in the existing dashboards view on the SwissSalary Insights portal. If the Insight user has no restriction, the Insights Groups table can be left blank.

Restriction can be controlled using the Insights groups. These permissions groups enable simple man-agement in case of a larger number of users or in the event of any changes. This means that the dash-boards do not have to be assigned individually for each user.


=> Management - Insights - Insights Groups

Enter a name and an appropriate description, then select the dashboards you want the group to view.


The new Insights group filters must then be assigned to the desired users per client. => SwissSalary User Setup


In contrast to the payroll group filter, this filter has no influence on the data the user can view in the SwissSalary app, it only refers though to the restriction on the SwissSalary Insights Portal.

As usual, multiple filters can be listed in the Business Central environment using the “|” divider.