Balance posting | Difference posting

Specific rules / automation for over-/undertime (re)posting can be stored in Balance posting | Difference posting. This can in turn be arranged per wage code.


Field name

Description / Example


Options: Day | Week | Month


If the period is selected, over-/undertime can be calculated based on a daily, weekly or monthly target.

Calculation Type

Fix limit: The value entered in the 'Period limits' field is taken into account as a fixed value. Any higher values are paid out or transferred according to the salary type entered (flexitime, overtime or overtime).


Positive difference to Allocated Time: 'If difference to actual time is positive', then post hours to the corresponding salary type. Depending on this, this is the wage type 'ML reporting flextime credit' or 'ML reporting overtime credit'.


Negative difference to Allocated Time: 'If difference to actual time is negative', then post hours to the corresponding salary type. Depending on this, this is the salary type 'ML reporting flextime compensation' or 'ML reporting overtime compensation'.


With the sequence, the calculation of individual settings per calculation type is determine with 1, 2, 3, etc.. They can be defined without limit.

Period Limit

Maximum limit per day, week or month.

Balance Limit

Maximal limit in the total balance.

Salary Type

Corresponding salary type number to be retrieved when fixed limit or difference with Allocated time is exceeded.

Employment % Limit

The limits usually refer to a 100% workload. If the limit values are to be adjusted or reduced based on the percents by position, a check mark can be set for each setting.