Rapport Types

Definition of the grid how the view in EasyRapport and TapBoard should be displayed for the respective group.


Field name

Description / Example


This numbering is freely definable and important for the structure of the Groupline (repeat line).


Enter the text of the respective report type in the Description column.

e.g. New cost center, target hours, actual hours, mileage expenses, lunch allowance, etc.


The following types can be selected in the 'Type' selection field:


- Line

You use the line type for all data entries, e.g. for selecting a new cost center/project, all absence, allowance and expense types.


- Caption

This type is used for titles and/or blank lines, e.g. working hours, allowances and expenses, absences, etc.


- Sum

Do you want to create a subtotal and/or grand total? Then select the Sum type.

The total is entered in the Totalization field using filter control.


The following types can only be used if you are working with the additional work calendar module!


- Allocated time

Enter a line with the Allocated time type. The allocated time is displayed per day based on the existing work calendar.


- Actual time

Enter a line with the type actual time. All time types (productive and absence hours) that are included in the actual time are automatically balanced in this line.


- Difference allocated/actual

The shortfall/excess work per day is already displayed to employees in the SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard.


- Daily report

Two lines are generated in the TapBoard and in the SwissSalary EasyRapport for clocking in and out.


- Break deduction

This type activates an automatic break regulation in accordance with Art. 15 of the Labor Act. For employees who do not comply with the break regulation, the difference is automatically deducted.


In the Add up column, you can use the filter control to enter the line numbers that are to be added up to a subtotal or grand total.


Enter the corresponding line numbers, e.g. 3001..3010 or 3001|3010 etc.

Salary Type

The corresponding salary type to be posted during wage processing is entered in the Salary type column.



A salary type must always be entered. Except in the lines Title, Total, Target time and Actual time as well as Difference target/actual, these do NOT require a salary type.


Salarys types can only be used once per group.

Conversion Salary Type 1 & 2

In the case of absences such as accident, illness, maternity/paternity, bad weather/short-time working, etc., several salary types are usually used for the same reason. Enter the main salary type in the salary type column. This is shown in the EasyRapport and the employee records, for example, accident hours, regardless of whether these are 100%, 90%, maternity leave hours, etc.


To ensure that the entire data appears again in the corresponding Groupline as 'Accident' when the data is written back to SwissSalary EasyRapport at the end of the month (after posting wages), enter the other salary types (e.g. Accident waiting day and Accident 80%) in the Conversion salary types 1 and 2 columns.


During data import, 2 or 3 lines are then generated in the SwissSalary payroll journal (main salary type plus conversion salary type 1 & 2). The payroll clerk must decide which line is correct for this case and deletes the others manually. 


The continued payment of wages is not relevant for the employee when entering their absence. This is decided by the person responsible for payroll processing.


Procedure for setting up the conversion salary type using the example of 'Accident':


Open one or a maximum of three additional grouplines (accident 100%, accident 80% and accident waiting day) for the existing groupline 'Accident'.


You need a separate wage type for each groupline.
Enter the respective conversion wage types in the corresponding field in the main line. Important: only this group line is relevant for recording in EasyRapport. Therefore, the data record 'TapBoard' must be stored in the 'Hide' column.


However, all grouplines of the conversion salary types must be hidden for EasyRapport.


Here you can define whether a groupline is hidden and if so, for which application (SwissSalary EasyRapport or TapBoard).

Time Registration

This field is only used if time recording is to take place directly on a cost center/project/cost object. This is done by activating the field and entering the data record 'Mandatory'. The classic time recording with the type 'Daily report' is therefore no longer necessary.


In the Placement selection field, you determine whether it is a salary type with the entry of the number (number of kilometers, number of hours, number of lunch allowances, etc.) or a wage type with the entry of the amount (expenses in CHF, etc.).


This data record refers to the reporting journal. This field is used to specify the field in which the entered value is to be written in the reporting journal.


Selection options:

- Quantity

The entry is made as a number (default).


- Amount

The entry in EasyRapport/TapBoard is always amounts in CHF (no number).

Dimension mandatory

In the 'Dimension mandatory' column, you determine the report type for which you must write the data to a cost center/project/cost unit.

By activating this column for each report type (by ticking it), data can only be entered in SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard if the corresponding cost center/project/cost unit is selected beforehand.


In SwissSalary EasyRapport, the data record can be displayed using the 'hamburger button'.


The type of 'Cost center', 'Project' and/or 'Cost unit' that can be selected is defined in the EasyRapport setup - 'Reporting' section.

Dimension Allocation TapBoard

This data record is only relevant for the TapBoard.


In the 'Dimension allocation TapBoard' column, you can define the report lines (enter the corresponding line number), which serve as a default for entering cost centers/projects.



In SwissSalary EasyRapport, you enter cost center A for the working hours. Since travel time and lunch allowances are also to be recorded for cost center A, the cost center must be selected individually for each report line. This is extremely tedious if there are several cost centers per day and week.

In the CC Allocation column, for example, you define the line number of the working hours report type for the travel time report line. Thanks to this link, when cost center A is assigned in the working hours, the same cost center is also automatically entered in the travel time report type.

Debit Cost Center

This field is used so that a dimension can be assigned directly to a group line with the report type 'Line' and can therefore only be reported on this line.

Debit Cost Object

This field is used so that a cost object can be assigned directly to a groupline with the report type 'Line' and can therefore only be reported on.

Job No.

This field is used so that a project can be assigned directly to a group line with the report type 'Line' and can therefore only be reported on.

Job Task No.

This field is used so that a project task can be assigned directly to a groupline with the report type 'Line' and can therefore only be reported on this line.

Additional Description

In the 'Additional text' selection field, you can specify whether an additional text must be entered in addition to the number or amount (e.g. for actual expenses).


Selection options:


- 'blank' (empty)

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard does not require any additional text when entering the number or amount.


- Mandatory

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard requires an additional text when entering the number or amount. Data entry cannot be completed without entering a text.


- Optional

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard requires an optional additional text when entering the number or amount. Data entry can also be completed without entering an additional text.


If receipts are to be processed in SwissSalary directly by importing them from SwissSalary EasyRapport, you can specify in the 'Receipt' selection field whether a document can/must be added. The vouchers are transferred to SwissSalary and can be viewed there.


Selection options:


- 'blank' (empty)

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard does not require a receipt when entering the number or amount.


- Mandatory

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard requires a receipt to be attached when entering the number or amount. Data entry cannot be completed without a receipt.


- Optional

SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard requires an optional receipt when entering the number or amount. Data entry can also be completed without attaching a receipt.

Lower Limit

The minimum value that an EasyRapport end user must enter for this report type is defined in the 'Lower limit' input field.

When entering the number of lunch allowances, for example, only whole allowances may be entered, as pro rata lunch allowances are not permitted. You should therefore enter the value 1.0 here.


If an incorrect entry is made, it is automatically replaced with the stored data record.

Upper Limit

In contrast to the 'Lower limit' input field, the maximum possible value is defined in the 'Upper limit' field.

This input field is particularly useful for lunch allowances so that the EasyRapport end user cannot enter more than one allowance per day. You therefore enter the value 1.0 in this input field.


If an incorrect entry is made, it is automatically replaced with the stored data record.

Allocated Time is Upper Limit

The 'Allocated Time is Upper limit' input field is mainly used when recording absence hours (vacation, accident, illness, etc.). By ticking the box, it is specified for each report line that the EasyRapport end user cannot record more hours than the maximum permitted allocated hours. This means that it is not possible for a person to record 9 hours of vacation even though only 8 hours are planned for that day.


Attention for employees without a stored allocated time: This function cannot be used here.


In the 'Hide' column, you can tick the box to define whether or not individual report lines in the SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard should be immediately visible in the standard system. Report types that you only need very rarely, e.g. military, maternity/paternity, short-time working, etc. can be hidden in this way.

These report types can be activated by EasyRapport users themselves using the hamburger button if they need them.

Rounding Precision

The Rounding precision input field is mostly used in connection with the entry of amounts (expenses). If, for example, voucher expenses may only be entered to the nearest CHF 5.00, enter the value 5.00 in the corresponding report line. If the amount is to be rounded to 5 centimes, enter 0.05.

If no rounding is entered, the amount is rounded commercially.

Titles of Lines

Some companies record expenses and allowances in SwissSalary EasyRapport/TapBoard on an effective cost center (construction site) and not on a fixed allocation cost center.


These report lines, e.g. lunch allowances, mileage allowance, construction site expenses, usually do not have their own title line. When printing the report card in EasyRapport/TapBoard after adding the cost center, it is no longer clear whether this cost center was assigned for lunch allowances or mileage compensation.


Enter a meaningful additional text in the line title column for expenses and allowances that are recorded on a cost center (construction site). This text is printed before the cost center number/text.