Management Report

Field name

Description / Example

Month view

yes = Month view can be selected in Reporting.

no = Month view cannot be selected in Reporting.

Weekly view

yes = Week view can be selected in Reporting.

no = Week view cannot be selected in Reporting.

Daily view

yes = Day view can be selected in Reporting.

no = Day view cannot be selected in Reporting.

Total Column position

It is defined here on which side (left or right) the “Total” column should be displayed in the report.

Show all employees

If this field is enabled, all employees’ data is displayed to all other employees of the same client.

This means that, for example, all employees’ data is displayed in the ‘Employees’ dashboard widget. Employees without the endorser role can select other employees and view their data even in the report or in time balance.


It is not recommended to enable this setting.

Limit setting for lines

Upper and/or lower limits can be defined for each group row (recording row) in SwissSalary’s EasyRapport group setup. This setting can be used to define whether this rule should be taken into account in SwissSalary EasyRapport across all or for individual dimensions.

Show all dimensions

If several clients are managed, there is the option of listing all dimensions from all clients in the report.


This is only used in rare cases and therefore set to ‘no’ by default.

Enable time stamping

If this function is enabled, the ‘Add time stamp’ button is displayed in the report.


Additional manual recording of time can be set up in the ‘Edit time stamp’ row.

Timestamps only in terminalmode

If time recording should only be done at terminals via RFID, this field is enabled with ‘yes’.

If time recording can also be done via desktops or mobile devices, this function can be disabled with ‘no’.

Editing timestamps

If the time stamp is enabled, the setting can be used to determine whether and, if so, who can change the stamped time.


- Disabled: The time stamp cannot be changed manually as long as the ‘Time stamp’ setting is active.

- Admin: Users defined as EasyRapport admin can change stamped time manually.

- Team: Endorsers can manually change the time stamped for themselves and their employees.

- Own: Each user can manually change their own stamped time.

Show Management Rapport daily

It is defined here whether working time recording of ‘From and To time’ should also be displayed in the Month or Week view. If this field is disabled, the daily report is only displayed in the Day view.

Rounding time day view

Holidays can be reported, for example, in hours but displayed in days in Balance overview. This setting is used to determine from how many hours onwards the rounding up to a whole day should be done.

Enable GPS detection

If enabled, the employee’s current position is recorded when they clock in and the GPS coordinates are transferred from SwissSalary EasyRapport to SwissSalary via EasyRapport Transfer.


Important note on the Privacy Policy:

Please note that this function is sensitive in terms of data protection. Make sure to inform your employees about this function before you enable it. After you do so, employees are informed the first time they clock in using their mobile device that their GPS location is also transmitted. The user can decline this transmission and/or enable/disable it later. It is therefore hardly possible to create the employee’s movement map, since the location is only recorded at the time of clocking in.

Min gap working shifts (h)

This function is particularly relevant for the use of SwissSalary EasyRapport for shift work in relation to automatic break deduction.


The number of hours entered defines shift duration. This is important, among other things, so that (if set up) automatic break deduction per shift can be calculated correctly. If two time entries (Came/Left) are further apart than the configured time, they are considered as two work shifts. Break deduction is calculated individually for both shifts.


This approach to detecting shifts also created automatic consideration of midnight transition. If work is carried out after midnight, the shift is split into two ‘00.00’ entries on the corresponding days.


The value of this setting is set to 8 hours by default and is in accordance with Swiss labour law.