
Definition of service providers/insurers that can be stored as a reference for individual insurance contracts. Any number of contracts can be assigned to each insurer/service provider. For example, a customer has entered into various policy contracts with an insurer.  For service providers transmitted via ELM, the number corresponds to the insurer number under the Swissdec recipient list.  Service provider/insurer address details are stored and referenced in the SwissSalary contacts table.

The “Number of contracts” column shows the linked benefit contracts, which can be accessed directly.
Each insurer can now have any number of contracts with different domain types.




Insurance number used according to the Swissdec recipient list, provided that a transmission like ELM is done. This number can be found on the insurance profile or can be requested on the Swissdec homepage under “Ready-to-receive payroll data receivers”.


Insurer label

Contact No.

Selection of the associated SwissSalary contact for linking the address and contact information to service provider/insurer

Number of contracts

Any number of contracts can be defined for each service provider/insurer. Click here to go directly to the view of the contracts linked to the selected service provider/insurer.