Payslip | Placeholder %Employee_SalaryYTD% corrected

Task #9951 | 5056.000


Customers in the mainstream construction industry are subject to the GAV far (early retirement). Employees aged 60 and over can retire earlier, and the far Foundation pays differential benefits up to 65.


Employees over 60 years of age who have registered for the far pension and still want to work a few hours for their previous employer can do so up to a specified annual income subject to AHV. So that the employee can check his/her previous wage bill, there is a placeholder that can be entered in the employ-ee’s wage comments. Example: AHV wage sum since the beginning of the year: CHF %Employee_SalaryYTD%.


As a result of a new development, this placeholder has not worked since update 5055.000 of April 23, 2020 and has been corrected.