FIBU Interface with Abacus | Version 2012.00 |
Task #8394 | 5053.000
SwissSalary will receive a standard Fibu interface to Abacus (version 2012.00). The interface can be acti-vated in Payroll Setup -> tab Setup -> field Interface.
Since Abacus works differently than Dynamics NAV, the following parameters must be transferred into the “Company Number Interface” field (separated with the dollar sign):
Legend: MMMM = client number (does not necessarily have to consist of 4 characters) DD = division number (does not necessarily have to consist of 2 characters) FFFF = Fibu account number for the Abacus offset entry (does not necessarily have to consist of 4 characters)
Example: client 1234, division 11, Fibu account number 2111 1234$11$2111 |