Task #7173 | 5050.100
Up until now, only individual files could be imported via the employee's Dossier and/or via document import. This was impractical if, for example, all employees’ hourly tickets needed to be imported in PDF format.
This feature became available beginning from PreUpdate 5050.100. It is required that the PDF documents per employee be created in a folder as follows:
The documents in the folder must correspond to the format “%EMPLNO%_*.*” (%EMPLNO% = Personnel Number).
e.g. 1005_Stundenrapport_Jan2015.pdf
The files are stored in the relevant dossier by import per employee and finally uploaded through synchronization.
1. The function can be launched via “Departments” or via the “Dossier folder import” search window (Ctrl+F3):

2. The following view will appear:

Path selection/recording for the folder whose content is to be imported
Optional description of the document. If the field is left blank, the file name will be used as description.
Document type
Used to specify document type (types can be freely defined and currently have no additional influence in SwissSalary Direct)
Defines whether the imported document should be visible in SwissSalary Direct.
After the import, SwissSalary Direct synchronization must be started. Otherwise, the documents will be hidden in
SwissSalary Direct.
Visible from
Define date the documents are to become visible (and also when the employee should be informed
about the new document via email).