Various Reports Revised |
Minor adjustments not mentioned in detail have been made to each report. Here is a list of tasks implemented with their brief description:
Task #7403 | 5050.100 Underemployment-/ Bad weather | Number of employees in all RTC versions corrected
Task #7313 | 5050.100 Lists for Cash Payments | Header in RTC versions were not equal with respect to Classic versions, unless a cash wages was available.
Task #7352 | 5050.100 Typo in item 12 of the ALV Employer Certificate was corrected.
Task #6845 | 5050.100 Workgroups can be printed now and the calendar is printed on a single page (without page breaks) during Excel export of the working time calendar.
Task #7353 | 5050.100 The account sheet could not be executed if a wage translation was longer than 40 characters.
Task #7285 | 5050.100 Fields "Time from" and "Time until" could not be recognized during Excel import into Report journal.
Task #7286 | 5050.100 Report "Social Fund Accounting" was revised. All columns are now displayed correctly and fully.
Task #7268 | 5050.100 In RTC versions, the 'Employment period from/to' column in the "CC UVG Accounting" report has been adjusted. The columns were too narrow, that is why the date was not printed correctly.
Task #5757 | 5050.100 The 'Test billing' can be launched from the Personnel card or Personnel list by pressing Ctrl+T. It sometimes caused errors in RTC versions.
Task #6745 | 5050.100 The from/to date included wrong delimiters during plausibility report.
Task #7303 | 5050.100 The 'AHV-exempt wages' report sometimes showed persons with no movement in the current year. It has been corrected and improved.
Task #7233 | 5050.100 The 'salary type list assignment' did not consider the salary type filter.
Task #6573 | 5050.100 Evaluations 'Internal Re-invoicing' and 'Hourly Accumulation' have been revised and improved.
Task #7377 | 5050.100 Absence Quotas | If an employee was sick for several weeks, the weekends were interpreted as interruption of the sick period. From now on, a sick period is no longer interrupted by weekends.
Task #7242 | 5050.100 The 'Reporting via Excel' function had an error message "The value "01.01.16 00:00:00" cannot be evaluated in the Date type". This import error appeared because of the "00:00:00" value and is now corrected. If there is the value "00:00:00" during import, it is deleted and validated afterwards.