Various Reports Revised |
Minor adjustments not mentioned in detail have been made to each report. Here is a list of tasks implemented with their brief description:
Task #7403 | 5050.100 Underemployment-/ Bad weather | Number of employees in all RTC versions corrected
Task #7313 | 5050.100 Lists for Cash Payments | Header in RTC versions were not equal with respect to Classic versions, unless a cash wages was available.
Task #7352 | 5050.100 Typo in item 12 of the ALV Employer Certificate was corrected.
Task #6845 | 5050.100 Workgroups can be printed now and the calendar is printed on a single page (without page breaks) during Excel export of the working time calendar.
Task #7353 | 5050.100 The account sheet could not be executed if a wage translation was longer than 40 characters.
Task #7285 | 5050.100 Fields "Time from" and "Time until" could not be recognized during Excel import into Report journal.
Task #7286 | 5050.100 Report "Social Fund Accounting" was revised. All columns are now displayed correctly and fully.
Task #7268 | 5050.100 In RTC versions, the 'Employment period from/to' column in the "CC UVG Accounting" report has been adjusted. The columns were too narrow, that is why the date was not printed correctly.
Task #5757 | 5050.100 The 'Test billing' can be launched from the Personnel card or Personnel list by pressing Ctrl+T. It sometimes caused errors in RTC versions.
Task #6745 | 5050.100 The from/to date included wrong delimiters during plausibility report.
Task #7303 | 5050.100 The 'AHV-exempt wages' report sometimes showed persons with no movement in the current year. It has been corrected and improved.
Task #7233 | 5050.100 The 'salary type list assignment' did not consider the salary type filter.
Task #6573 | 5050.100 Evaluations 'Internal Re-invoicing' and 'Hourly Accumulation' have been revised and improved.
Task #7377 | 5050.100 Absence Quotas | If an employee was sick for several weeks, the weekends were interpreted as interruption of the sick period. From now on, a sick period is no longer interrupted by weekends.
Task #7242 | 5050.100 The 'Reporting via Excel' function had an error message "The value "01.01.16 00:00:00" cannot be evaluated in the Date type". This import error appeared because of the "00:00:00" value and is now corrected. If there is the value "00:00:00" during import, it is deleted and validated afterwards.
Task #7890 | 5051.000 Depending on the item in the ‘Staff List’ report, the amount in the ‘Wage Rate Value’ field either did not print at all or the separators were missing. This has been corrected in Update 5051.000. In addition, the display was optimized to now display everything “fixed and with right alignment”.
Task #7772 | 5051.000 The ‘Last/First Name’ column in the ‘Social Fund Accounting’ report was too short. It is longer now
Task #7691 | 5051.000 Another balancing error was discovered in ‘Bank Statement’. The balance of the previous person was always transferred to the next person. The balancing is now displayed per person correctly, and there is no overlapping anymore.
Task #7872 | 5051.000 Some fields from the ‘ER’ tab (EasyRapport) were missing in the RTC report in the ‘Personnel Wage File’ (report 3009075). They have been complemented.