Years of Service Calculation | Evaluation and Calculation (Leap Year) Validated and Corrected

Task #7316, Task #7690 & Task #7729 | 5050.200


At the beginning of 2016, the inquiries regarding the calculation of years of service pro rataand the designation in the Jubilee List have been quite regular. We have found in the analysis that both calculation and presentation in the assessment sometimes shifted in the leap year. There were some jubilants shown in the assessment one day earlier or later. Date calculation in the year of service table has also been validated. Most of the cases with the customer we have analyzed were not due to this irregularity. They resulted from incorrect entries or manual inputs of previous years of service.


We have dedicated a lot of time in the past few weeks and months to the calculation of years of service and many cases and assessed many cases and special cases. We are confident that most of the cases have been covered properly. If you still notice deviations after applying PreUpdate 5050.200, please let us know so that we could analyze them well and correct for the future.