Setup "Open Interface"

Setup --> Open Interface --> New


Register "General"


Unique/logical code (e.g. time or BVG etc.)



Unique description of the interface


No follow-up salary types

By activating this functionality, the follow-up salary types can be suppressed.


Note: Some salary types automatically include follow-up salary types; often desired for manual reporting, but in individual cases not for automatic imports.



Register «Definition»

File Type

Assignment according to import file:


.txt, .csv


Character set

Assignment according to import file:





Start import line

Enter start line


From which line should the import start?

e.g. title line available -> import from line 2 (titles cannot be imported)


Journal line for resignated employees

Select the desired option:


Show messages

When importing data, the following message appears: 'Employee has resigned. Enter anyway?' If this is acknowledged with 'No', the entire import is aborted.

In addition, a message is displayed if data with a document date is to be imported that has already been imported and posted in the previous period.


Ignore messages

Does not display messages, data is imported


Don't import

Lines with corresponding data are not imported


Field separation

(only file type: .txt, .csv)

Assignment according to import file:




--> for excel import file, assignment has no impact


Field  separation type

(only file type: .txt, .csv)

Assignment according to import file:




--> for excel import file, assignment has no impact


Field separation character

(only file type: .txt, .csv))

Capture characters according to import file


With which character are the fields separated?

e.g. semicolon (;), comma (,) etc.


--> for excel import file, assignment has no impact



Register «File»

File Import

Select the desired option:



In the import process, navigate to the desired directory and select the corresponding import file.


Directory (not valid for web client)

Select the desired directory during the import process -> all files in the directory are automatically imported.


ZIP Archive

During the import process, navigate to the desired directory and select the corresponding ZIP archive.




Register «Open Interface Line»

This tab is used to link the import file (from the third-party software) with the corresponding fields in SwissSalary.

The import file often contains more data than has to be imported into SwissSalary; i.e. these fields are recorded as no., but no linking/mapping takes place.

Field No.

Enter field no./item no. per field within the lines.


Freely selectable - consecutive - numbering of the individual fields, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.



Enter the name of the field from the import file


e.g. employee number, name, first name, voucher number etc.



Mapping of the columns that are available in SwissSalary for the data import.


Note: blank 'empty' -> no mapping/no data transfer



If required:

Values of the import file can be replaced with a new value here.



File value | Import value



In the import file it has the file value 999, which corresponds to salary type 1000 in SwissSalary -> Replace file value 999 with import value 1000.



Quantity factor

Determine with which factor the imported value should be calculated.



If hours are to be converted into minutes.



Rate factor | Amount factor

according to quantity factor



Balance amount

Normally, the movement (holiday pay, overtime pay, etc.) is imported. However, if the time recording software can only provide the balances at the end of the month, SwissSalary calculates the movement from the two balance values (last vs. current).



The time recording software provides the holiday balance at the end of each month:

End of month April = holiday balance 25 days

End of May = holiday balance 20 days


If "Balance amount" is ticked, the imported value is not transferred 1:1, but SwissSalary calculates the movement between the two values and transfers the movement.

This means in the above mentioned example = 5 days



Skip line

Individual data contents are skipped during the import process.



In the import file there are entries with salary type 101 which you do not want to import.

Enter the value 101 in the column --> Leave the import value EMPTY --> Set a tick in the column "skip line".

During the import process, all lines with salary type 101 will not be imported.


Cell format
(regarding assignment: document date)

If required:

Reference to the allocation value: Document date


Standard formatting in SwissSalary:

Day.Month.Year = DD.MM.YYYY = e.g. 01.01.2023


If necessary, the formatting of the date from the import file must therefore be adapted.


Decimal format for minutes

For selection:

Industrial minutes (100 units)

real-time (60 units)


Conversion from industrial minutes to real time minutes

If the corresponding value on the import file is delivered in industrial minutes - but real time minutes are needed for further processing, this can be converted with the corresponding setting --> real time (60 units).


Delete prepend character

(only file type: .txt, .csv)

If required:

Delete character before value

If the corresponding value on the import file is preceded by a character, this can be removed (enter character in this column).



Pers. no. supplied: "157945 | transferred: 159745


Delete end character

(only file type: .txt, .csv)

If required:

Delete character at end of value

If an end character is supplied with the corresponding value on the import file, this can be removed (enter character in this column).



Pers no. supplied: 157945" | transferred: 159745



If required:

Convert value with factor

If the incoming value on the import file is to be converted with a certain factor, this conversion factor can be set here.


Fixed value

If required:

Transfer fixed value

If a possible value or no value is supplied for the corresponding value on the import file, you can specify here which fixed value is to be transferred.



Cost centre supplied: 4500 | Fixed value transferred: 9999


Start position
(only file type: .txt, .csv)

If necessary:

Enter the start position according to the import file


If the start position must also be used in the import file, specify the start position at which a value begins.


Field length
(only file type: .txt, .csv)

If necessary:

Enter the field length according to the import file.


If the field length must also be worked with in the import file, these values must be entered according to the interface description (third-party software).