If required:
Values of the import file can be replaced with a new value here.
File value | Import value
In the import file it has the file value 999, which corresponds to salary type 1000 in SwissSalary -> Replace file value 999 with import value 1000.
Quantity factor
Determine with which factor the imported value should be calculated.
If hours are to be converted into minutes.
Rate factor | Amount factor
according to quantity factor
Balance amount
Normally, the movement (holiday pay, overtime pay, etc.) is imported. However, if the time recording software can only provide the balances at the end of the month, SwissSalary calculates the movement from the two balance values (last vs. current).
The time recording software provides the holiday balance at the end of each month:
End of month April = holiday balance 25 days
End of May = holiday balance 20 days
If "Balance amount" is ticked, the imported value is not transferred 1:1, but SwissSalary calculates the movement between the two values and transfers the movement.
This means in the above mentioned example = 5 days
Skip line
Individual data contents are skipped during the import process.
In the import file there are entries with salary type 101 which you do not want to import.
Enter the value 101 in the column --> Leave the import value EMPTY --> Set a tick in the column "skip line".
During the import process, all lines with salary type 101 will not be imported.