
Field name

Description / Example

Visum Modes

In an ‘and/or’ function, you can determine how the endorser should/can approve the items approved by the employee.


- Full view (approval button is displayed)

- Per row (a corresponding symbol is displayed at the end of the row)

- Per field (the field is marked as approved by clicking in it).

Confer sight

Yes = The employee must manually approve their time using the ‘approval symbol’ in the report.
No = The items to be approved are approved automatically.

Send email on confer

Yes = The endorser is informed by email about the items approved by the employee. It only works if the ‘Release for approval’ setting has been enabled.
No = The endorser is not informed.

Sighted values are editable

Yes = Entries that have already been approved can still be changed by the employee. Data set in the ‘Edit time stamp’ setting must be taken into account here.

No = Entries already approved can no longer be changed.

When visors editable

Yes = The endorser can change posts when being approved.

No = The endorser can only approve and cannot change any posts.

Agent Visa

Yes = The stand-in administrator (rights granted via SwissSalary in the personnel card) can approve added stand-ins.

No = The stand-in administrator cannot approve themself.

Visa implies reporting

Yes = The stand-in can also make reports for the employees under their supervision.

No = The stand-in cannot make reports for the employees under their supervision.

Time check on realease

Yes = When reports are released by the employee for approval, it is always checked whether there is a time pair (even number of from/to times). If this is not the case, an error message is displayed.

No = Nothing is checked.


Tip: You only need this option if you work with time (from - to) and have activated ‘Release for approval’.