Calculation and Disbursement with Pay Process for December

The pay process for November must be settled and posted. If you are working with the Payment by Installments method, December Payment by Installments must also be settled and posted.


The procedure for the payment of the 13th Payday with the definite pay process for December is as follows:


Open the required Payroll journal.

The Payment of the 13th/14th Payday function can be found under Related / Rapport.


Choose whether you want to pay the 13th or the 14th Payday. Both values can also be paid out in a single work step.

If required, set filters to a payroll area or individual employees.

The Payroll journal will now show the employees receiving the 13th Payday disbursement. All amounts are listed with CHF 0.00.

Test billing for an employee may be created to check the amount that will be disbursed. It is taken into account based on the current salary types settings. The sum of all aligned amounts currently subject to the 13th Payday is calculated, and the % value stored in the refunding of absences is taken into account therefrom.  

If the first test billing is correct, simply calculate the salary to easily retrieve these payslips afterwards. After the assessments have been created, you can cancel the settled pay process as usual. Additional control options are the “Annual Employee Statement” or “Salary Type List A4H” assessments.


Are the calculated amounts correct? If they do not match the expected amounts, do not manually change the amount. We recommend that you find the source of the difference. Prior to adjusting the settings, delete the journal rows. To do this, check the salary type settings. For example, if you only want to pay 1/12 of the monthly salary as the 13th Payday, then only the Monthly Salary salary type and possibly even a Monthly Salary correction salary type may have the Obligation for the 13th ST box checked. The settings are based on the provisions that apply to you like GAV, OR or regulations. Please consult about them accordingly and configure the settings.


Once all adjustments have been made, release the payment again as described above. The latest settings will always be taken into account for disbursement obligations.

The deferred value is not adjusted. All differences between the provision amount and the amount disbursed should be cleared in the FIBU and BBA manually.


The changes have an effect on 13th Payday provisions of the new calendar year. The 13th Payday provisions and the disbursement at the end of the year will correspond to 1:1 next year, provided that no adjustments during the year are made.


Carry out further tests. Usual Payroll journal evaluation options are available for this purpose.


To pay the 13th monthly wage together with the definite pay process for December, begin the pay process processing as usual.






You can also use the batch run as described under Calculation and Disbursement after Pay Process for November as a additional pay run Process Follow the description for calculation and control. Finally, calculate the recurring down-payment for December as usual. Execute the payment on account for December, create the ISO file and enter the payment on account in the books. The employee sees the detailed settlement on the current pay process Paycheck.