Sprechende Platzhalter

An verschiedenen Stellen in SwissSalary wird mit sogenannten 'Platzhalter' gearbeitet. Diese Platzhalter werden z.B. verwendet, wenn Sie den FIBU-'Buchungstext' nicht nur mit 'Lohnsammelbuchung' übergeben, sondern als Ergänzung zusätzlich das Buchungsdatum einfügen möchten.



%Direct_RegistrationCode% = Registration code to SwS Direct (formerly %7)

%Direct_RegistrationURL% = URL to register fo SwS Direct (formerly %8)

%Employee_FirstName% = First name of the employee (formerly %5)

%Employee_Salutation% = Salutation for the employee (formerly %4)

%Employee_SalaryYTD% = AHV related salary of given employee from year to the date of given payroll (formerly %1)

%Employee_Surname% = Surname of the employee (formerly %6)

%Employee_Title% = Current title of the employee (formerly %3)

%Payroll_13thAmount% = Amount of the 13th wage of the given payroll (formerly %2)


Buchungstexte (Fibu / Kostenrechnung / Projekt) -> Lohnstammdaten

%AllocationGroup% = Allocation Group (former %1)

%Payroll_No% = Payroll No (former %5)

%PostingDate% = Posting date (former %2)

%PostingMonth% = Month of posting as number (former %6)

%PostingMonthText% = Month of posting as text (former %3)

%PostingYear% = Year of posting with 4 digits (former %4)


Lohnabrechnung als PDF exportieren (Verwendung nicht empfohlen)

%Employee_ID% = Employee No. (former %3)

%Employee_No% = Employee No. (former %2)

%Payroll_No% = Payroll No (former %1)


Lohnausweis - Bemerkung

%NetChange% = field "Net Change" of record "Salary Type" (former %1)

%NetChangeQty% = field "New Change Quantity" of record "Salary Type" (former %2)


SwissSalary Direct - Beschreibung

%PostingDate% = Posting date

%PostingMonth% = Month of posting as number

%PostingMonthText% = Month of posting as text (former %2)

%PostingYear% = Year of posting with 4 digits (former %1)